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Smear for Malarial Parasite (MP)
Parameters : 1
Also known as : Smear for Malarial Parasite (MP)
Report Delivery
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Covid Safety
Test Details
Test Code BOBT00057
Test Category Individual Test
Sample Type Blood
Details of Smear for Malarial Parasite (MP)
What Is Mp Test?
There are diseases that sweep into the society, once in a while, that create havoc and are potentially destructive to the race. Malaria is one of those diseases that pose a significant threat to human life. If estimations are to be believed, hundreds of millions die due to Malaria. Quite alarmingly, World Health Organization (WHO) has compiled the list of countries that are vulnerable to this disease.

India, according to the list, is ranked 4th spot for malaria cases and deaths in 2017. The list further went on clear the fact that approximately 7% of the deaths are because of this grim disease in India. To make it even worse, children under the age of 5 are said to be the ones that are highly vulnerable to the parasites that cause them.

Hence it would be considered cautious and relevant on one's part to understand the primary underlying mechanism that shapes up this fatal disease. Malaria is a deadly disease caused by the Plasmodium parasite. This is transmitted through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. It should be known that malaria, as a disease that can have serious implications similar to a virus and bacterial infection, is actually not caused by these.

It is through a parasite, which is single-celled, that can potentially multiply in the red blood cells rapidly and even in the intestines of the mosquitoes. The parasite grows in the liver, and then infects red blood cells (RBCs). The exact series of events that can result in getting injected by such parasites are not particularly easy to explain. The details are maybe convoluted from a layman's perspective.

Initially, a mosquito can get affected by feeding on a person who already houses the parasite. when this infected mosquito bites onto another person, the parasites will be shared with this new individual. Once these parasites grow haphazardly, they affect the liver and red blood cells. The cycle continues to become vicious and never-ending.

The person, infected with the parasites, will not be able to sense the infusion right away. The parasites, over a period of time, multiply in the liver, which is when the symptoms start to surface. The chills, high-fever could be benevolent of all symptoms, as they are possibilities of catching jaundice or anemia during this time. If ill-fated, the brain can be severely affected resulting in other neurological problems.

This parasite could also be transmitted through other media like blood transfusion, use of infected needles or syringes contaminated with blood, vertical transmission, or organ transplant.
Why Get Tested?
Individuals infected with malaria are generally very ill with high fevers, shaking chills, and flu-like symptoms and malaise. The most commonly used tests to detect the malaria parasite are:
  • Malarial Parasite by Smear Examination (Blood)
  • Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) such as
  • Malaria detection by Quantitative Blood Count (QBC), Blood
  • Malarial Antibody-IgG, SerumMalarial Antigen (Vivax & Falciparum), Blood
Reason To Take Mp Test
Apart from the possibility of getting infected through female mosquitoes, and a blood transfusion from a priorly affected patient, it can also be transmitted from the mother to the fetus during pregnancy.

A variety of symptoms are generally observed in infected persons, ranging from absent, very mild symptoms to severe disease and even death. These symptoms begin to show up about 1-3 weeks after the infection. But there is also a rare possibility of housing an inactive parasite inside the body for up to a year.

More commonly an infected individual is observed to have a combination of symptoms like:
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Sweats
  • Headaches
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Body aches
  • General malaise
  • Weakness
  • Enlarged spleen
  • Anemia; One of the most common and understandable symptoms of malaria, as the red blood cells of the blood are severely affected by malarial parasites.
  • Mild jaundice
  • Enlargement of the liver; Liver happens to be the first organ that is affected by the plasmodia parasite. Because of the excessive work the liver and spleen have to take up to combat malarial infection by constantly releasing antibodies through white blood cells, they enlarge.
  • Increased respiratory rate
  • Cerebral malaria: If the flow of small blood cells to the brain is blocked by other blood cells, filled with parasites, it can result in swelling of the brain. In a worst-case scenario, it may also result in a coma.
People from regions that are easily prone to Malarial parasites can have an altered immune system. Because of the frequency at which they can be exposed to the diseases, they will be able to acquire partial immunity for the symptoms.

But the acquired partial immunity can wear off, eventually, when an individual moves away to a different country where the frequency of exposure to the parasite will be lessened.
Routine Tests
Smear for Malarial Parasite (MP)
Parameters : 1
Also known as : Smear for Malarial Parasite (MP)
Report Delivery
1 Day
Free Sample Collection
Bookings above 500
Pre - Instruction
No preparation required.
Covid Safety
Test Details
Test Code BOBT00057
Test Category Individual Test
Sample Type Blood
Details of Smear for Malarial Parasite (MP)
What Is Mp Test?
There are diseases that sweep into the society, once in a while, that create havoc and are potentially destructive to the race. Malaria is one of those diseases that pose a significant threat to human life. If estimations are to be believed, hundreds of millions die due to Malaria. Quite alarmingly, World Health Organization (WHO) has compiled the list of countries that are vulnerable to this disease.

India, according to the list, is ranked 4th spot for malaria cases and deaths in 2017. The list further went on clear the fact that approximately 7% of the deaths are because of this grim disease in India. To make it even worse, children under the age of 5 are said to be the ones that are highly vulnerable to the parasites that cause them.

Hence it would be considered cautious and relevant on one's part to understand the primary underlying mechanism that shapes up this fatal disease. Malaria is a deadly disease caused by the Plasmodium parasite. This is transmitted through the bites of infected female Anopheles mosquitoes. It should be known that malaria, as a disease that can have serious implications similar to a virus and bacterial infection, is actually not caused by these.

It is through a parasite, which is single-celled, that can potentially multiply in the red blood cells rapidly and even in the intestines of the mosquitoes. The parasite grows in the liver, and then infects red blood cells (RBCs). The exact series of events that can result in getting injected by such parasites are not particularly easy to explain. The details are maybe convoluted from a layman's perspective.

Initially, a mosquito can get affected by feeding on a person who already houses the parasite. when this infected mosquito bites onto another person, the parasites will be shared with this new individual. Once these parasites grow haphazardly, they affect the liver and red blood cells. The cycle continues to become vicious and never-ending.

The person, infected with the parasites, will not be able to sense the infusion right away. The parasites, over a period of time, multiply in the liver, which is when the symptoms start to surface. The chills, high-fever could be benevolent of all symptoms, as they are possibilities of catching jaundice or anemia during this time. If ill-fated, the brain can be severely affected resulting in other neurological problems.

This parasite could also be transmitted through other media like blood transfusion, use of infected needles or syringes contaminated with blood, vertical transmission, or organ transplant.
Why Get Tested?
Individuals infected with malaria are generally very ill with high fevers, shaking chills, and flu-like symptoms and malaise. The most commonly used tests to detect the malaria parasite are:
  • Malarial Parasite by Smear Examination (Blood)
  • Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) such as
  • Malaria detection by Quantitative Blood Count (QBC), Blood
  • Malarial Antibody-IgG, SerumMalarial Antigen (Vivax & Falciparum), Blood
Reason To Take Mp Test
Apart from the possibility of getting infected through female mosquitoes, and a blood transfusion from a priorly affected patient, it can also be transmitted from the mother to the fetus during pregnancy.

A variety of symptoms are generally observed in infected persons, ranging from absent, very mild symptoms to severe disease and even death. These symptoms begin to show up about 1-3 weeks after the infection. But there is also a rare possibility of housing an inactive parasite inside the body for up to a year.

More commonly an infected individual is observed to have a combination of symptoms like:
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Sweats
  • Headaches
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Body aches
  • General malaise
  • Weakness
  • Enlarged spleen
  • Anemia; One of the most common and understandable symptoms of malaria, as the red blood cells of the blood are severely affected by malarial parasites.
  • Mild jaundice
  • Enlargement of the liver; Liver happens to be the first organ that is affected by the plasmodia parasite. Because of the excessive work the liver and spleen have to take up to combat malarial infection by constantly releasing antibodies through white blood cells, they enlarge.
  • Increased respiratory rate
  • Cerebral malaria: If the flow of small blood cells to the brain is blocked by other blood cells, filled with parasites, it can result in swelling of the brain. In a worst-case scenario, it may also result in a coma.
People from regions that are easily prone to Malarial parasites can have an altered immune system. Because of the frequency at which they can be exposed to the diseases, they will be able to acquire partial immunity for the symptoms.

But the acquired partial immunity can wear off, eventually, when an individual moves away to a different country where the frequency of exposure to the parasite will be lessened.
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