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Also known as : ECHO FOETAL TWINS
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Test Code BOBT01025
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In the context of a twin pregnancy, a fetal echocardiogram (fetal echo) for twins involves the same principles as a fetal echo for a singleton pregnancy, with the added complexity of assessing the hearts of both fetuses. Here are some key considerations for a fetal echo in a twin pregnancy:

Individual Assessment: Each fetus in a twin pregnancy has its own heart, and the fetal echo will assess the structure and function of each fetal heart separately. This is important for identifying any congenital heart defects or abnormalities in each twin.

Chorionicity and Amnionicity: The type of twins (monochorionic or dichorionic, monoamniotic or diamniotic) can have implications for fetal development, including the heart. Monochorionic twins share a placenta, and certain cardiac conditions may be more common in this type of twin pregnancy.

Detailed Imaging: The fetal echocardiogram provides detailed imaging of the hearts of both twins, including the chambers, valves, blood vessels, and overall cardiac function.Assessment of Blood Flow: Doppler ultrasound may be used to assess blood flow in the hearts and major blood vessels of each twin. This helps evaluate the circulation in each fetal heart.

Monitoring for Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS): In monochorionic twins, there may be an increased risk of conditions like TTTS, which can affect blood flow between the twins. Fetal echocardiography may be part of the overall assessment for complications in monochorionic pregnancies. Identification of Structural Abnormalities: The fetal echo aims to identify any structural abnormalities or congenital heart defects in each twin, which is important for planning appropriate medical care.

Timing of the Exam: The timing of the fetal echo in a twin pregnancy is typically similar to that of a singleton pregnancy, often performed between 18 and 24 weeks of gestation. Fetal echocardiography for twins is an advanced and specialized procedure that requires expertise in both obstetrics and pediatric cardiology. If you are carrying twins and your healthcare provider believes there may be an increased risk of cardiac abnormalities, they may recommend a fetal echo as part of your prenatal care. The results of the fetal echo can help guide the medical management and planning for the care of each twin, especially if there are identified heart conditions that may require intervention after birth.
Routine Tests
Parameters : 1
Also known as : ECHO FOETAL TWINS
Report Delivery
1 Day
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Covid Safety
Test Details
Test Code BOBT01025
Test Category Individual Test
Sample Type
In the context of a twin pregnancy, a fetal echocardiogram (fetal echo) for twins involves the same principles as a fetal echo for a singleton pregnancy, with the added complexity of assessing the hearts of both fetuses. Here are some key considerations for a fetal echo in a twin pregnancy:

Individual Assessment: Each fetus in a twin pregnancy has its own heart, and the fetal echo will assess the structure and function of each fetal heart separately. This is important for identifying any congenital heart defects or abnormalities in each twin.

Chorionicity and Amnionicity: The type of twins (monochorionic or dichorionic, monoamniotic or diamniotic) can have implications for fetal development, including the heart. Monochorionic twins share a placenta, and certain cardiac conditions may be more common in this type of twin pregnancy.

Detailed Imaging: The fetal echocardiogram provides detailed imaging of the hearts of both twins, including the chambers, valves, blood vessels, and overall cardiac function.Assessment of Blood Flow: Doppler ultrasound may be used to assess blood flow in the hearts and major blood vessels of each twin. This helps evaluate the circulation in each fetal heart.

Monitoring for Twin-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTTS): In monochorionic twins, there may be an increased risk of conditions like TTTS, which can affect blood flow between the twins. Fetal echocardiography may be part of the overall assessment for complications in monochorionic pregnancies. Identification of Structural Abnormalities: The fetal echo aims to identify any structural abnormalities or congenital heart defects in each twin, which is important for planning appropriate medical care.

Timing of the Exam: The timing of the fetal echo in a twin pregnancy is typically similar to that of a singleton pregnancy, often performed between 18 and 24 weeks of gestation. Fetal echocardiography for twins is an advanced and specialized procedure that requires expertise in both obstetrics and pediatric cardiology. If you are carrying twins and your healthcare provider believes there may be an increased risk of cardiac abnormalities, they may recommend a fetal echo as part of your prenatal care. The results of the fetal echo can help guide the medical management and planning for the care of each twin, especially if there are identified heart conditions that may require intervention after birth.
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